Monday, June 14, 2010

Happy Birthday Morgan and Kate!

These two little ladies have birthdays in June:

Morgan is 16 years old today, and will probably posess a driver's license before the day is over.
Kate will be 11 in a few short weeks.
Where has the time gone? It sounds like such a cliche', but seriously. I'm confused.
It seems like just yesterday that I was stressed (dang those how-to-be-a-new-Mom-magazines!) that Morgan was sleeping through the night as a newborn and I tried to wake her up to eat.
Wasn't it seconds ago that Morgan prayed at every opportunity for a new baby sister?
It seems like the blink of an eye ago when we drove our newborn little Peanut Kate into town on the 4th of July, just missing the fireworks display.
I love you, ladies. And--just for me--slow down!


  1. I love love love that pic. So sweet. Happy birthday girls!

  2. I still feel as if I am 16...the time really has flown by.

    Such adorable sisters. Happy birthday to them both.
