Tuesday, February 6, 2007

The blog has begun...

Hi y'all. I've been inspired by the Glover clan, and I'm starting a Worthy Jr. and Kim family blog. I think this is a great way to share information and keep in touch, but it also provides a family journal. So thanks to Drew and Chrislynn and Tim for inspiring me!

That's all for now, folks...consider this site under construction.


  1. I am so proud of you guys. I am glad Drew got us into blogging as well. I guess you could say that if Drew told me to jump off a cliff I would do it because most likely there is something wonderful at the bottom of the cliff. The family blogs are awesome. Love you guys.

  2. You should never give Drew so much credit! It could be scary! But I'm so excited that everyone is joining in. Its so much fun to read what everyone is doing. It makes us feel a lot closer than we are. Thanks!
