"In a perfect world, every town would have a Diner just like Ruth's"
Ruth's was recently remodeled, and it is gorgeous.
Ruth's was recently remodeled, and it is gorgeous.
A shout out to my children is in order, so here goes: WooHoo! ! ! !
Morgan pulled off straight A's with a challenging schedule including some difficult classes, tryouts, rehersals, performances, and work. Add to that the fact that she's 15, and therefore should really technically be brain dead, and . . . Woo Hoo. I'm so proud of that girl.
Kate is finally figuring this whole school thing out. You know, the part where you actually have to complete things and turn them in? I'm so proud of her. I remember third grade being so tough on Moog--going from getting Satisfactories and Outstandings just for showing up and breathing, to being accountable for your work and understanding how grades work. It's a big step for anyone, but for Kate it was BRUTAL. She spent a lot of time in third grade under her desk, or rocking back and forth in the fetal position, or tantruming. She's so smart...so capable...but let's just say the traditional school system doesn't match her learning style. We got grades (mostly D's) last year but we were so focused on behavior that they didn't matter much and there was no connection in her little head with what she did every day and what those little letters meant.
Our little girl has really matured. I'm so proud of her! She is, for the most part, staying on task and finishing her assignments at school. She is finally figuring out that her teacher can't read her mind...she has to turn things in to get credit. We're doing a lot of homework at home, but Kate is engaged and turning her work in. Amazing. She's proud of herself, too. It was so fun to see her bring her report card home with a sense of pride and accomplishment. No, she didn't get all A's, or even all B's. But there were some A's and B's, and there wasn't a D in sight. I expect next quarter will be even better because she understands the system. Woo Hoo Kate!
Worthy is still in the second grade, so his report card consists of satisfactories for breathing in and out and showing up. Keeping his seat warm. But this little guy has taken off as a reader (whew!--I was wondering when he was going to prove me right and shame his first grade teacher) and he has matured in so many ways. He does his homework every night without a fight. He sometimes remembers to turn it in, too! I'm proud of him and his ability to keep on going, even when he'd rather be playing the X-box or playing with his legos. Woo Hoo Little Worthy!